Full-Time Programmes
• B.Sc. Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship Education
• B.Sc. Agricultural Science Education
• B.Sc. Natural Resources Management and Education
• Post-Dip./ B.Sc. Environmental Health and Sanitation Education
• B.Sc. Integrated Science Education
• B.Sc. Biological Sciences Education
• B.Sc. Chemistry Education
• B.Sc. Physics Education
• B.Sc. Mathematics Education
• B.Sc. Public Health Education
• B.Ed Early Grade Education (Early Childhood)
• B.Ed Upper Primary Education
• B.Ed Junior High Education
• B.Sc. Physics Education
• B.Sc. Mathematics Education

Sandwich Programmes
• Post-Dip. / B.Sc. Environmental Health and Sanitation Education
• Diploma in Environmental Health & Sanitation Education(1 year -2 sessions)
• Diploma in Education

Graduate Programmes (Full Time)
• M.Phil. Environmental and Occupational Health Education (2years)
• M.Phil. Chemistry Education (2years)
• M.Phil. Biology (2years)
• M.Phil. Biology Education
• M.Phil. Science Education
• M.Phil. Crop Science Edu. (2yrs)
• M.Phil Soil Science (2years)
• M.Phil Animal Science (2years)
• PhD. Crop Science (4years)
• PhD. Animal Science (4years)
• PhD.Soil Science (4years)
Graduate Programmes (Sandwich)
• M.ED - Agriculture Education
• M.ED - Science Education


Full-Time Programmes
• B. Sc. Automotive Engineering Technology Education
• B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering Technology Education
• B. Sc. Wood Technology Education
• B. Sc. Construction Technology Education
• B. Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology Education
• B.Sc. Sustainable Energy Systems
• B. Sc. Fashion Design and Textiles Education
• B. Sc. Catering and Hospitality Education
• B. Sc. Information Technology Education
• B. Sc. Mathematics Education
• B. A. Arabic Education
• B. A. English Education
• B. A. French Education
• B. A. French with English Education
• B. A. Economics with Social Studies Education
• B. A. Social Studies with Economics Education
• B. B. A. Secretarial Education
• B. Ed Early Grade Education (Early Childhood)
• B. Sc. Accounting Education
• B. Sc. Management Education
• Post Diploma Construction Technology Education
• Post Diploma Wood Technology Education
• Post Diploma Construction Technology Education
• Post Diploma Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education
• Post Diploma Electrical / Electronic Technology Education
• 2 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology
• 2 years Diploma in Automotive Technology
• Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology

Weekend/Evening Programmes
• B. Sc. Marketing
• B. B. A. Management
• B.SC. Administration (Banking & Finance Option)
• B.SC. Administration (Business Information System Option)
• B.SC. Administration (Accounting Option)
• B. B. A. Executive Office Administration
• B.SC. Administration (Procurement and Supply Chain Management Option)
• B. Sc. Mathematics Education
• B. Sc. Information Technology Education
• B. Sc. Information Technology (Evening)
• B.Sc. Marketing and Entrepreneurship
• B.B.A. Human Resource Management
• B.Sc. Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Graduate Programmes (Full Time)
• M.Phil. Construction Technology or Management (Option)
• M.Phil. Wood Science and Technology
• M.Phil. Mechanical Engineering Technology
• M.Phil. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
• M.Phil. Mathematics Education
• M.Phil. Educational Leadership
• M.Phil. Philosophy
• PhD. Construction Tech/Management
• PhD. Wood Science & Technology
• PhD. Mathematics Education
• M.Phil. Management Education
• M.Phil. Management
• PhD. Educational Leadership

Graduate Programmes (Sandwich)
• M.Tech - Construction (Technology Option)
• M.Tech - Construction (Management Option).
• M.Tech - Electricals/Electronics Engineering
• M.Tech - Mechanical Engineering Technology
• M.Tech - Wood Science & Technology
• M.Tech - Fashion and Textiles
• M.Tech - Catering and Hospitality
• M.SC. - Information Technology Edu.
• M.ED - Mathematics Education
• M.A. - Educational Leadership

Graduate Programmes (Weekend)
• M.Sc. Information Technology Education
• MBA Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior
• MBA Accounting
• MBA Finance
• MBA Marketing

Sandwich Programmes
• B.Sc. Construction Technology Education
• B.Sc. Wood Technology Education
• B.Sc. Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education
• B.Sc. Electrical / Electronic Technology Education
• B.Sc. Sustainable Energy Systems
• B. Sc. Mathematics Education
• B. Sc. Catering and Hospitality Management Education
• B.Sc. Fashion Design and Textiles Education
• Post Diploma Construction Technology Education
• Post Diploma Wood Technology Education
• Post Diploma Mechanical and Automotive Technology Education
• Post Diploma Electrical / Electronic Technology Education
• 2 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology
• 2 years Diploma in Automotive Technology
• Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
• Diploma in Education

Minimum Requirements
The following requirements are to be met in addition to other programme specific

Senior High School (SHS) Certificate Holders
i. WASSCE certificate holders must have at least six (6) credit passes (A1 -C6) including three
(3) Core Subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science or Social Studies,
as well as three (3) relevant elective subjects with a total aggregate of 36 or better.
ii. SSSCE certificate holders must possess six (6) credit passes or better (A-D) in three (3) Core
Subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science or Social Studies, as well as
three (3) relevant elective subjects with a total aggregate of 36 or better.
iii. School Certificate/GCE Holders must have Five (5) credits at GCE “O” Level, including
English Language and Mathematics as well as two (2) “A” Level passes other than General
Paper in relevant subjects. They must also satisfy the Special Programme requirement(s) for
programme(s) chosen

TVET Applicants

One of the following qualifications: Automotive Technology; Motor Vehicle Technician III
(MVT III), Mechanical Technology; Mechanical Engineering Technician III (MET III),
Construction Technology; Construction Technician Certificate III and Electricals/Electronics
Technology; Electrical Technician Engineering.
They must possess a Higher National Diploma or its equivalence in a relevant field of study
from a recognised institution. (Successful Post-Diploma applicants may be placed at Level
200 or 300 of the four-year degree programme depending on their academic qualifications)

Applicant should possess:
i. A researched Master’s Degree in the relevant field of study from an accredited institution.
ii. A cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or above in the courses offered at the Master’s
degree level.
iii. At least grade ‘B’ in the dissertation presented for the Master’s degree.
Applicant must have:
i. A good first degree (2nd Class Lower or better in the relevant discipline from a recognised
ii. A Pass in a selection interview and/or entrance examination to be organized by the

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