Episode 4

………. As I moved from the chief’s quarters to my room, the emotional department of my brain was busy debating out ideas to face the love virus the chief had injected into me. I gradually moved from brain-talking to speaking out loud my feelings. After minutes of thinking, I had gotten a plan. Since Abiba was my student, I would accept to take her as a wife but a “play” wife. I would assume she was a kid, although she was physically grown even beyond adolescence. I still held the view that she was a kid on the ground of schooling because she was in class six. I would take her as a TOC (Teacher’s Own Choice), I thought. “But come to think of it. Abiba is a good and caring girl, although she has some village ingredients in her pot of beauty.”

I soliloquized. I still had to put my libido under check if not for any reason, but the Noble Profession. I had been trained to impart both academic and moral values onto my pupils. I had wished the chief reasoned along the same line with me. I became my own counselor because I had been given some guidance and counseling lectures back at the college. No sooner than later did darkness overshadow daylight. My heart had begun to palpitate based on one reason. It was no other reason than how I was going face that night with my new partner in matrimony. “Wetting man no see before? What can come, can come.”

 I built self-confidence to console myself and to prepare for the sweet mistake that was on the way. I soliloquized “yes” to my self-confidence and it coincided with a knock on my door. Guess who! It was Abiba, my wife. She had come in with a bowl of fufu with chicken-light-soup. Her care had graduated to a higher level. She sat on the floor and asked me to wash my hands in a bowl she held. Although not abressed with their tradition, I believed her action was a symbol of respect from a wife to a husband. In my mind I was like, “if not because you are my student, I will eat this fufu and…………hmmmm”.

While I was in my thinking mood, I heard, “Master, please eat. What are you thinking?”. “hmmm, nothing” I responded. In fact, I was actually humbled with her domestic care and respect. For the first time, the ghetto boy who used to eat with a bowl in the palm with other niggers was then being treated like a prince. The meal was indeed a ‘honeymoon’ meal- I enjoyed it. My wife picked the bowls out and came back in 30 minutes with a mat. “kooooiiii, is it really true that this girl is now married to me? I thought it was a partial joke or partial seriousness. The Pope must hear this”, things were knocking things in my brain. She went out again and I heard her talk with her mom.

I stood up and tuned my ear to their conversation and it was that she needed a pillow. I heard her footsteps sounding back to my room, so I quickly jumped onto my mattress like a cat pouncing on a mouse. She knocked again and came in. she called my name and requested to lock my door. I asked her whether she wasn’t going to move out again and her response was, “yes”. In fact, her response gave me a feeling similar to getting a referral in Teaching Practice. I then said to her with a feverish voice “ok, you can go ahead and lock it”. “prep!” The door was locked.

Episode 5 loading………….



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