Episode 6 (final episode)

I saw Kate in a white dress, stroll towards me. Her dress had set off my memorable psyche the fantasy I had the prior night. "Is this a fortuitous event or does my fantasy need to come to a reality?" I thought. "Hello" Kate welcomed. "Hello, Miss Kate" I answered, with the brain that Kate would give a response to the title I gave her. She won't ever do. "How was your evening?" Kate added. "Ooh! I had a goodbye" was my reaction. She didn't realize I had a decent night with her in my fantasies. I exploited the hello and went on with a talk with Kate. We jabbered about existence overall and later restricted ourselves to live in the town. I had the opportunity and enquired about Abiba's way of life. Kate let me know Abiba was a fortunate young lady since she would have been the one pregnant for Ken. "Like genuinely!" I shouted. "no doubt!", Kate answered. She added, "When Ken came to this town, the boss said that he (Ken) required a spouse. So he chose to give Abiba out to Ken for marriage, however by then, at that point, Abiba was truly debilitated. He then said that a man like Ken should not live in any event, for seven days without a lady, so he chose to supplant Abiba with her more youthful sister, Rahi, who is presently conveying Ken's child. Ken has lamented impregnating Rahi". I was stunned by the news I got from Kate that morning. Kate didn't stop there, she added, "I'm very certain the boss would agree that you likewise merit a spouse. He might try and give Abiba to you.

 He can't see a decent looking man like you and wouldn't accept you as an in-regulation, now that you are even in his home. Gee! I'm simply expecting oooo". I immediately answered, "Aaah! How might I wed my understudy? That is just conceivable not without a fight". I said all that however to me, I was like, "I even laid down with Abiba the previous evening in my room over my living body". Kate let me know Rahi was an understudy before her dad gave her out to Ken, so the possibility of Abiba being an understudy couldn't keep the boss from giving her to me. "At any rate, it is a significant privilege to have the boss as an in-regulation, isn't it?" Kate prodded me. I expressed gratitude toward Kate for taking care of me with such data. Kate had encouraged me to move quickly to try not to fall into Ken's perspective. She likewise said that if by some stroke of good luck I had a spouse, that might actually keep the boss from forcing his girl on me for marriage. "Do you have a spouse?" Kate inquired. "No", I replied. "Then I encourage you to find one preceding you are compelled to wed Abiba," Kate added. "Where do I see as one? I can't return to my town to look for a crisis spouse. I would likewise prefer not to wed any town young lady." I commented, with the expectation that Kate would present herself for me. Kate likewise commented, "gee! I don't for a moment even prescribe a town young lady for you to wed. You are excessively costly for a town young lady." I was complimented by Kate's comment. I had anticipated that she should add something like "… .essentially a young lady like me is acceptable for you." But she won't ever do. That would have been a decent starter for me.

I considered announcing the make a difference to the District Education Office. I would have rather not spent a second night with Abiba-something that could occur. I was frightened of falling into the shoes Ken. I then proposed to Kate the choice I took. She supported the thought however let me know she would miss me, on the off chance that I was moved from the local area. "Here! You would miss me", I thought. I immediately told her she could visit me in the locale capital. "Be that as it may, I can't be seeing you constantly" Kate answered. "This woman is steadily supporting me. Yet, I should in any case report the case to get myself let out of the local area." I thought.

Without with nothing to do, I took my books and left for the house to leave on my excursion to the region capital. I proceeded to tell the central that I expected to send a few records to the District Education Office. The boss let me know there was no truck going to the locale capital that day since that day was not a market day. "So what do I do? Since I should introduce the reports before tomorrow", I told the boss.

He proposed he would get someone to pick me with a motorbike to a close by local area where I could get a truck. After two hours, I was at the District Education Office. I introduced my objection and each official in the workplace was shocked. "You mean we actually have such a crude demeanor in this 21st hundred years?" one official asked logically. The officials requested that I return to the local area while they figured out things. I let them know I wasn't all set back to the local area since I would be made to lay down with the main's little girl. I added that I had previously laid down with her the other day. "What! Is that the way in which serious the matter is?" one female official commented. The chief asked me not to go to the local area until they explored the matter. I was extremely content with the choice. The main concern I had was that I planned to miss Kate.

After two days, an official went to the local area and returned with his discoveries, which affirmed my charges, valid. The official said he had a go at persuading the boss to change his mentality of giving his girls of school-going age out for marriage, yet his supplication wasn't taken by the boss. The Director regretted the turn of events and concluded I wouldn't return to the local area. He requested the Deputy Director to repost me. I felt like I scored a sweepstakes, after hearing that I was to be reposted. At around 5 pm that day, I went to the Deputy Director's home to pre-appreciate the reposting he was to give me. My pre-appreciation made him repost me to a school in the locale capital. I was so blissful. My main concern then was on the most proficient method to get my things from the local area, and how to find the opportunity of seeing Kate once more.

I considered not returning to the local area to pick my things in light of the fact that the boss would think I was leaving for eternity. 'Kate' was the main explanation that could send me back to the local area. "I should connect up with Kate to visit me in the region capital", I thought. The next day, I course back to the town and I was heartily invited with an embrace from Kate like a sweetheart who had missed her beau for a long time. It was then I understood Kate was likewise genuinely connected to me. She enlightened me concerning how an official came to the school and later went to the central's castle to examine my case. I enlightened her regarding how I was reposted to a school in the locale capital. Kate was so glad for me however let me know she planned to be missing me severely. I additionally told her I had returned to see her and wouldn't see any problems with having her visit me in the region capital. She consented to my solicitation and vowed to visit me throughout the end of the week. I was glad to such an extent that I saw no point in returning to the main's castle to pick my things. I immediately joined a vehicle back to my town with the expectation of seeing Kate during the end of the week.

I proceeded to give my room another look. My room was then made without dust. The main drink one could get in my table-top refrigerator were sachets of water. But since I was expecting a unique visitor, I figured out how to stock my ice chest with a pack of Don Simon beverages and two apples. I had locked my ice chest as a result of my eager niggers who could come and drink the beverage before the appearance of the expected consumer.

The next day, which was a Saturday, I went to the truck station promptly in the first part of the day to invite Kate like loved ones go to the Airport to invite a relative from Mecca. I anticipated seeing Kate land from a truck, yet my expectation fizzled. Kate never came that day. I got exhausted. "In any case, it isn't terrible to dedicate one's the ideal opportunity for what he much longings", I shared with myself. The following day, Sunday, I was with the expectation that it was absolutely impossible that Kate wouldn't come. I went to hang tight for her at the station, to the surprise of no one. Think about what, she won't ever come. I was profoundly frustrated at Kate's failure. "What might have made this young lady not to come? Was she simply imagining she had me on the most fundamental level?" I asked myself. I proceeded to coordinate my folks and we partook in the Don Simon and apples together. They were stunned in light of the fact that they had never seen such a beverage in my cooler. I let them know I was commending my reposting.




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